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A domain name is the web address or URL where visitors find your site. A custom domain gives your site a professional look, strengthens your brand, and helps visitors find you on the web.
Buying a domain and a hosting package are two different things but both are needed to create a website. A domain is your website's address on the internet (like, which people use to visit your site. Hosting is where all your website files, like images and content, are stored and made accessible online. The domain gives your site an address, while hosting provides the space for it to live on the web. You need both to have a fully working website.
Domain name privacy protection is generally worth it if you want to keep your personal information private. Without it, your contact details (name, email, phone number, and address) are publicly available in the WHOIS database, which anyone can search. Privacy protection hides this information by replacing it with the registrar's details, helping to avoid spam, unsolicited contact, and potential identity theft. If you're running a business or simply prefer privacy, it's a good investment. However, if you're just managing a personal website and don't mind sharing your info, it may not be necessary